The Final One

Here is the final blog post of the 2018 year. And this past year or at least past semester I have been an intern at junpstart films. Here I learned many things from editing video and soubd. How to work on a deadline and get the project out in a timely manner. How to conduct business and contact and gain new clients. Overall I learned how film companies work and how everything works. I learned a lot of what I want to do with my life and the type of career I want to do with my life.

The Final Two

Welcome, welcome

Here is the second to last post about the long several month experiences called an internship. During the past week, it has been a week of reorganizing and regaining who the company was as a whole. I helped create social media for their new company that they are launching. Saw some editing and helped in creating some new video content that will be for this new company. I  continued in making lists and helping contact potential clients about if they need a video for their work. Went for more high-end clients this time as opposed to what we were doing before.  Helped do some technical work behind the scenes. That is all in a week’s worth of work.

The Final Three

Here, we are again in the home stretch. I know that I have been saying that for the past few weeks. Here we are for real there are only three more blogs including this one in this semester-long experience called an internship. This week The team is working on solidifying a new client, he is interested and wants to do it. now it is just time to talk numbers and such. A new person is also coming on as an employee, which was unique being there while a brainstorm session and meeting were happening. It was something eye-opening and important in the working world. Also creating a new list of where we are trying to gain more clients from. Stay tuned for the final two blogs!

New This Week

welcome, one and welcome all back to this place where I am documenting my journey through my internship. This week, the trailer for the upcoming film was finished and sent out for review and to the board for it. Adding new captions and little features to other films that were wrapped up and send out. Also working out what is this companies competition and making a list of what they do well and what they are struggling with. spreadsheets are made and groups of people were made to review. This is the end of the week.

The final stretch

Welcome to the final leg of this internship blog, in the following week’s things are going to start to wrap up and be coming to a close on this chapter of my life. So with that being said let’s focus back to this previous week that had happened.  This week there was a more business concentration there in past weeks. More getting into business plans and strategies that the company is integrating. Also, developing what I am going to do after I graduate and the plans for it.


Over the Hump

Here we are again, we are over the hump in midterms with five weeks left. This week was a more one- one type of week then it has been in the past. People were sick in the office thus there were less of us around than normal. I learned more about what I want to do after this internship and after this year. Going more in-depth in job opportunities and prospects. Also, how to go about that and who to contact, building my way from the ground up. I am more sure about what I want to do after I leave both this internship and from college in general. I also this week continued to keep updating the social logs and creating the analytics from all of the data that was collected. Here is to another week!


The Midway-Point

Welcome to the halfway point of this learning opportunity.

What I have learned so far in the semester doing this internship. That no project is a one-man project. Everything is a group effort to make a great finished product. There are many different parts of creating and producing a film for companies. There are pre-production and post-production meetings. I brainstormed on new projects and pitches for clients new and old. I helped create a new program and service that the company is providing to its clients.  The adventures continue with working as a PA.

Week six

Let’s do this!

welcome back to another glorious week as being a production assistant at a film production company. This week I posted on both of the company’s social media accounts and working on their media presence.  We reached out more company’s to see if they need our production services.

This and more went down this week.


New Week

Hi, there

This week was a little shorter than the previous weeks were due to reasons. This week more storyboarding was being done to Sarris, the candy company. Pitching them a commercial for the holiday season. Also posting more on social media this week, on both companies channels. Crafting new ideas and posts on how to portray the company online. That was this week in a nutshell.

Week Four

Welcome back Y’all to this very blog site, as we go on an adventure as working as a production assistant at a film company.

This week, I help create ideas for storyboard and pitch ideas to new clients. Saw the final edit of film that was being created and then sent out for distribution. Worked on social media mostly Instagram. Currently working on making them a more prominent brand on social media, the goal is to be brand recognized. Also started helping on doing the same thing for one of their other companies. So that was this week who knows what will happen next week.